18.10 – Beta

18.10 Beta Ubuntu Budgie has been released (27th Sept). This is the one and only beta before the actual release on the 18th Oct.

For this beta we have concentrated on:

  • showcasing the latest budgie-desktop developments,
  • reworking some of our most used applets to be more efficient, faster
  • adding new productivity applets
  • integrating all of this together with the major GNOME developments of GTK+3.24 and Mutter 3.30

The latter changes have been majorily problematic due to that they broke budgie-desktop in very fundamental ways. Thankfully Canonical’s Iain Laine (Laney) came to our rescue and gave us a key code set of patches to enable 18.10 to be a reality

There are still rough areas – some that we have found ourselves. We will continue bug-fixing through the remaining parts of the beta period and will likely backport fixes during the 18.10 release cycle to smooth off those rough edges. As always – if you haven’t told us about an issue … we don’t know about it – and that includes all the vloggers out there!


On behalf of the Ubuntu Budgie team, thanks goes to our community who has made this project viable in terms of donations to enable us to invest in Ubuntu Budgie.

To those of you who have contributed through testing, translations and even bug-reporting – you are the key to our success. High-Fives all around 🙂

UB will not be possible without the dedication of our team. Occasionally they do come out of their UB development bunker – so if you see them, say Hi and give a virtual pat on their backs 🙂


Peruse our 18.10 release notes to see what is what. These will be continually updated as we move towards the release.

18.10 Release Notes 

Pay attention to the Issues list.

As always the beta should never be installed on a Production machine. Things are constantly changing and things may go awry.

David (project lead)