• 18.10 and beyond – 64bit images only

    We have had a successful release of Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 LTS and we now are in full planning mode for 18.10. Similar to the decision made by Ubuntu themselves at 17.10, we have decided to concentrate all our efforts on producing a really good image based on the hardware almost all of you actually use…

  • Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 LTS Released!

    Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 LTS Released!

    We are pleased to announce the **release** of the next version of our distro, the third as an official flavor of the **Ubuntu** family and our very first LTS. The LTS version is supported for 3 years while the regular releases are supported for 9 months. Based on 17.10 experiences, feedback and suggestions we have…

  • 18.04 – Beta 2

    Beta 2 of Ubuntu Budgie has been released (5th April) – one short month after beta 1! This is the final beta before the actual release on the 26th April. For beta 2 we have concentrated on bug-fixing and smoothing off those rough edges our user community have reported. As always – if you haven’t…

  • Ubuntu Budgie – Annual Financial Statement 2017 – 2018

    Summary As part of our commitment to be transparent with the community, the team is pleased to present a short statement of our financial position covering 2017 to 2018. History Budgie Remix had launched in April 2016 In Nov 2016 Ubuntu Budgie was granted the status as an official community flavour with Ubuntu/Canonical. 17.04 was…

  • Welcome to Discourse

    Welcome to Discourse

    Hi everyone, We would like to announce that starting with the release of 18.04 LTS; our community support will be moving to Discourse. Currently, most of our support activities are spread across several social media platforms – Facebook, G+, Twitter, Reddit, IRC and our Gitter community room. What this means for you is that we…

  • 18.04 Release Notes

    Version Ubuntu Budgie v18.04 (bionic beaver) Release: Apr 26th, 2018 final release notes In these release notes the areas covered are: New features and enhancements Issues Resolved Upgrading from 17.10 Ubuntu Budgie Upgrading from 16.04.4 budgie-remix Known Issues when upgrading Where to download Ubuntu Budgie Our new support site https://discourse.ubuntubudgie.org New features and enhancements Add support…

  • Libreoffice feedback

    We need to get some feedback for 18.04 – Libreoffice Snap For 18.04 we will ship the latest version of libreoffice – v6. That version will receive stability fixes throughout the next three years of the LTS period – but the actual version will remain at v6. We have a choice – we could instead…

  • Developer Diary – November

    Developer Diary – November

    Showcase Development A new release of the applet budgie-brightness-control was made available by its developer. A few bug fixes was made, and the orientation of the slider was made horizontal. This is now available in backports to be installed. I have created a git release of budgie-pixel-saver-applet from the same developer as budgie-brightness-control. This fixes…

  • Making Ubuntu Budgie accessible to all

    Making Ubuntu Budgie accessible to all

    We all use our desktop in our own unique way to suit our preferred workflow. We also know some people need additional changes to help use their desktop more effectively. For example visual impairment may mean there is a need for additional tweaks to contrast/sizing etc, whereas some degree of hearing loss may need some…

  • Developer Diary – October

    Showcase This month’s activities have been dominated by the final push and release of our second release  as an official member of the Ubuntu family. It has been an interesting six months – and this month was no exception; more on that later. We are very grateful to our small yet growing band of Patreons and Paypal contributors…