Category: News

  • Ubuntu Budgie 18.04.2 LTS Released!

    Ubuntu Budgie 18.04.2 LTS Released!

    We are pleased to announce the release of the next version of our distro, our second LTS point release as an official flavor of the Ubuntu family. The LTS version is supported for 3 years while the regular releases are supported for 9 months.

  • Ubuntu Budgie 18.10 Released!

    Ubuntu Budgie 18.10 Released!

    UBUNTU BUDGIE 18.10 RELEASED! We are pleased to announce the release of the next version of our distro, the fourth as an official flavor of the Ubuntu family. 18.10 is supported for 9 months; our 18.04 LTS is supported for 3 years. Based on 18.04 experiences, feedback and suggestions that we have received from our…

  • 18.10 – Beta

    18.10 – Beta

    18.10 Beta Ubuntu Budgie has been released (27th Sept). This is the one and only beta before the actual release on the 18th Oct.

  • 18.10 Release Notes

    18.10 Release Notes

    Version Ubuntu Budgie v18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) Release: Oct 18th, 2018 Ubuntu Budgie 18.10 will be supported for 9 months until July 2019. If you need Long Term Support, it is recommended you use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS instead. beta release notes – 27 Sept 2018 In these release notes the areas covered are: New features and enhancements Issues…

  • Ubuntu Budgie 18.04.1 LTS Released!

    Ubuntu Budgie 18.04.1 LTS Released!

    We are pleased to announce the release of the next version of our distro, our first LTS point release as an official flavor of the Ubuntu family. The LTS version is supported for 3 years while the regular releases are supported for 9 months. The new release rolls-up various fixes and optimizations the Ubuntu Budgie team have released since…

  • Diving into Vala …

    We thought we just throw some thoughts together as we explore using the programming language Vala for potential future development. Vala is – we understand – a language written initially by GNOME to develop GTK+ applications and interfaces. The Elementary OS developers have embraced this language. Budgie Desktop itself is primarily written in Vala. Why?…

  • Please welcome two new team members

    The Ubuntu Budgie team are pleased to welcome two new team members. Efkan Isazade Efkan has joined us in the Project Manager/ Administrator role that was recently advertised. Efkan hails from Azerbaijan and will be ensuring the team meets its goals and schedules for 18.04 LTS and 18.10. Efkan will also be ensuring your donations…

  • Become a team member – Project Manager / Project Administrator

    Become a team member – Project Manager / Project Administrator

    The Ubuntu Budgie team are looking for a new volunteer to join our ranks as Project Manager / Project Administrator. This is a non-technical role and will involve approx 3-4 hours a week dedication? Interested? Duties include … but not exclusively… Coordinating the team activities across multiple timezones flexible project schedule production Running the monthly…

  • budgie-remix 16.04 – end of support date

    With a heavy heart the Ubuntu Budgie team today announce the end-of-support for our 16.04 budgie-remix edition from the beginning of August 2018. We would like to thank the almost quarter of a million downloaders since we first launched budgie-remix back in April 2016 for at least having a look at our fledgling distro. We…

  • How minimal is too minimal?

    How minimal is too minimal?

    So, with the release of Bionic Beaver (18.04) came a new feature for a “minimal” install. This minimal feature is something that many people have provided excellent feedback on and it appears to be a loved feature. I’m one of those people. But with that, comes to the opinionated concept of how minimal is “too”…